
Personal / Family

Family Dispute, Domestic Violence & Divorce

Divorce filling , Handling child custody, alimony or maintenance, fighting a dispute within the family, harassment by own children are related to Family Laws . THis law also regulates succession to property, inheritance, marriage, alimony. There are different laws of divorce for different religion.

Muslim Personal

All the Muslims in India are governed by the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937.[1] This law deals with marriage, succession, inheritance and charities among Muslims.These laws are not applicable in Goa state, where the Goa Civil Code is applicable for all persons irrespective of religion. These laws are not applicable to Muslims who married under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.

Hindu Personal

Hindu personal laws refer to the laws of the Hindus as it applied during the colonial period (British Raj) of India beginning from the Anglo-Hindu Law to the post-independent Modern Hindu Law.The Hindu Personal Laws underwent major reforms over a period of time, and created social and political controversies throughout India.

Christian Personal

Christian Personal Law or family law regulates Adoption, Divorce, Guardianship, Marriage and Succession. The provisions of canon law concerning marriage are recognised as the personal law of Catholics in India (except in the state of Goa). Marriages of Indian Christians (except in the state of Goa) are regulated by the Indian Christian Marriage Act 1872.[1] Christian Personal Law is not applicable in the state of Goa.Goa is an exception to the rule, in that, a single secular code/law governs all Goans, irrespective of religion, ethnicity or linguistic affiliation.

Adoption & Child Custody

Child Custody Laws ensure that a parent is not wrongfully denied access to their minor child. This law also protect minors from aggressive / abusive parents or households.

Medical Negligence

Medical Negligence Law is related to professional negligence by a health care provider in cases where the treatment provided falls below the accepted standard of practice in the medical community and can causes injury or death to the patient.

Wills & Trusts

Trusts and Wills enables an indevidual dictate how his / her property will be disposed after theri death. A Will is document that sets out how the asset should be divided among the legal heirs after an individual's demise. A Trust allows on to ransfer a property to a third person who will hold and use the property for a beneficiary of one's choice in accordance with the terms of the trust.

Motor Accident

In case of a motor accident, the law helps identify whether insurance policies will pay for your losses, and what one can expect to recover in damages if the accident was someone else's fault. the law mandates the police to compulsorily register a case in the event of a motor accident. It also has provision for compensation to the motor accident victims and their family. Compensation can be claimed even in cases where neither person is at fault.

Human & Animal rights

Animal welfare law, criminalizes cruelty to animals, though exceptions are made for the treatment of animals used for food and scientific experiments.


Insurance Laws regulates Insurance Businesses and sets guidelines that are to be followed by insurance companies for setting up policies and claims settlement.