AI / ML - A Potential Disruptive Force In Legal Services Space

An associate in a law firm spends roughly 30-40% of their time on non-client (research) activities would now be significantly be reduced to about 10-15% with the use of NLP/AI systems. This potentially ends up delivering an opportunity cost savings of roughly 25-30% for law firms

Lawe helps in quickly performing legal research thereby helping the lawyer to reduce the time, which can save clients significant amount of time and eliminate research costs. Additionally, lawyers can use it for the discovery phase. With the presence of AI, the process of finding background information, gets expedited which can accelerate arbitration and litigation proceedings.

Lawe platform develops suggestions, notifications, guidance to the law fraternity by analysing case description, documents, notes, audios, videos. It also connects with open forums such as News channels, Newspapers, blogs, articles, social media networks, books and etc to develop Intelligence for user consumption.

The Key Differentiators being

• Daily verdict update
• 360 degree experience feedback
• Auto accuracy and NLP tweaking algorithm
• Virtual mentor for Law practisers