Civil & Property


The law governs individuals in all aspects other than criminal conduct are collectively civil laws. Civil laws include property laws, matrimonial and family laws, employment laws among others.


Property Disputes Laws come into perspective when the the title or ownership of an immovable property is challenged or is ambiguous.

Breach of Contract

The law governs the legal cause of action in which a binding agreement or bargained for exchange is not honored by one or more parties to the contract by non-performance or interference with the other party‟s performance.

Cheque Bounce

The law protects receivers of cheques in the event the cheque is return unpaid for reasons such as insufficient funds or stop payments.

Landlord & Tenant

This handles the Landlor & Tenant disputes where a property has been leased or given out on rent by one person to another.

Debt recovery

Recovery and Debt Laws prescribe rules and penalties to proceed against defaulting debtors.

Consumer Protection

the law handles a wide range of areas, including consumer fraud, product liability, false advertising, and other business "scams" including delayed possession or completion of builder projectsand also provide relief to consumers who has been provided with a defective or deficient product and/or service.